Thursday, October 10, 2013

Web Of Wisdom

Two Crimson studied Ancient Greece in Term Three. We were enthralled by the myth of Arachne forever doomed to weave only as a spider, after her boastful claim as a human that she was a better weaver then the goddess Athena.  
Using gum tree sticks and wool we wove our own webs and made plasticine spiders.

We enjoyed playing a weaving game at circle time - a fabulous game of cooperation and coordination. One person holds the end of a ball of wool. They throw the ball of wool across the circle. The other person must catch the ball, hold onto a piece of the wool and then throw the ball back across the circle. If you are wonderful at cooperating you end up with an amazing web! (And yes, our photos show how wonderfully we cooperated).

Last term we had the opportunity to please Athena by making clay owls, her precious symbol.
This Term we are studying the Environment. Using our skills as web weavers and are marvellous cooperation, we have created this amazing web. Our colour choices are planned. Do you know what the colours represent?

Now our owls can nest safely near our web. We hope you enjoy our installation!
Two Crimson

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